jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2008

Lavique en la Biblia de Moda

...those guys from Argentina!!!
Virginia y Felipe - a really creative couple from Buenos Aires - Argentina, living in Barcelona, have been realizing during the last few months a really great project ( apart from the organisation of the FashionFreak Festival taking place in Barcelona, Paris and Sevilla and their fashion magazine " Tela Magazine").
"La Biblia de la Moda" is kind of an "electronic fashion guide" for Spain...and I´m in there too!
Have a look at this- it´s quite interesting and one can find new tendencies about fashion and information about young and innovative fashion designers from Spain:


2 comentarios:

belula dijo...

Preciosas las cositas qué haces...no conocía tu blog!!!....me ha encantado,....

Balbina Arias dijo...

uy que preciosa inciativa....

eres una afortunada!

espero que nos veamos pronto!

besos de zarzaparrilla!